Saturday, February 27, 2021

My Online Prescence

     I feel like overall I have a normal or medium sized online footprint. I have only recently gotten social media, and I don't have any personal websites besides my blogger account. The Social Media sites that I have are Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Tok Tok. I have given them my first and last name, birthday, phone number, email, and then I have HPU 24' in my bio on instagram. But those are usually the basic requirements for every website when you are making an account. Visitors could see that I am a freshmen in college at HPU, and that I graduated from CDS high school. They also can look up my name on google and see my football highlights and stats from high school which are all still there, as well as from golf, and cross country. However, with other sites I have put even more sensitive information such, as my debit card for online shopping with home address and signature, and even my social security number for online brockerage firm for investing in the stock market. However I do trust my SSN with that company, but thinking back at it, there are probably some websites that I have purchased things off of that have my debit card that are fine, but probably down have the safest website to protect my data. Overall, I do think social media could make people lonely as it paints a fake and unrealistic picture for how others around you live their life. This constant view of other people's seemingly perfect lives can make people feel lonely or feel like they are doing something wrong which is not true or accurate. I think that a lot of people treat their online and social media life like their real life more than their actual real life. That kind of lifestyle and mentality is not healthy though, people are getting too sucked into the digital world, and should focus on the real world. I need to work on this too, I'll admit that I fall under this category of becoming too invested in the online world, however I do think I'm getting better at it. Recently, I have stopped using Snapchat as much, and only look at Instagram for more sports news and highlights. However, I would like to limit my online presence. I do think that one main problem is unnecessary or useless applications. For example, on Snapchat there is things called "streaks" where it is how many days in a row that you have sent a picture or "snap" to another person. However, these are pointless because it's just people, sometimes not even friends, just sending pictures back and forth to keep a number or streak without any conversation or purpose. However, I have noticed that people more my age have realized this, and are stopping this trend, as I believe it is one of more pointless and useless trends on social media. I would say that I have been rather careful putting sensitive information on any social media, I don't put anything on any social media or online that I wouldn't want future employers or people to see. Social media is a real addiction in our society, and I would honestly say that I fall under that, as I don't go a day without looking at some type of social media, I think last year I was really addicted, but as I've gotten a little older and learned more, I have gotten better about my overall usage. I also feel like with regards to the videos that one about the dark side of ones online presence is more accurate, as I have become very surprised at what companies do with certain information, and how much of our information online is not as safe or as hidden as we think it is. Having even just gone through this course, I know a lot more about online privacy, and I had never really thought about my online presence or the information that I was putting on the internet. I am now going to be a lot more careful and aware of all of this information.

Instagram: lukeardizzone14

How the Middle East uses Social Media: 19 standout stats from 2019 | by  Damian Radcliffe | Damian Radcliffe | Medium

Global social media research summary August 2020 | Smart Insights

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