Saturday, February 27, 2021

Online Privacy

     Online privacy has become a big thing in our society. It has become a much more popular topic with instances like Facebook's data mining scandal. This has been a big issue as of recent with Adhesion contracts, Data mining, terms and conditions, and many other things that are involved with our phones apps, and big companies. Its kind of scary having watched one of those ted talks of how much your information stays on the internet, and that even if you think your information has been erased, deleted, or removed, it is still there like a "digital tattoo". Its also pretty scary to see how much detail about you can be tracked, like how much detail the police go into about and with your personal information, and how they know way more then you think they know. Its also very scary to see things like "Revenge porn" or "digital domestic violence" where an ex-partner can use photos and messages form ur relationship to humiliate you or blackmail you. In our society we should aim to move towards more privacy focused initiatives and be careful and aware of our online presence and privacy as it is constantly being violated. Every time we put in our face or our thumbprint into our phone, that just gives the government records, DNA, and information on it. Every time we roll past those terms and conditions without reading and just press accept, we give those companies an opportunity to use our data in a way that we probably wouldn't want otherwise. Overall, it is important to monitor and pay attention to your online privacy presence.

Flipping the Bit on Online Privacy | by Ben Fathi | Medium

When it comes to internet privacy, be very afraid, analyst suggests –  Harvard Gazette

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