Friday, February 26, 2021

Diffusion Theory, and the Social Media spectrum

     Social Media is becoming a vastly large part of our society. Many people in America or around the world usually use at least one source of social media, whether that be Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. . Some people were quick to adopt the new trend of social media while were a little late or decided to stay off social media altogether. I think it predominantly has to do with the generation, as well as peoples values and thought process. For example, with my generation, you rarely see someone in high school or college without any social media, and this is predominately because social media is our primary source of communication and entertainment. This also is dependent on the platform, as college and high school students are more likely to use snapchat than adults, as this is one of our primary forms of communication with eachother. I think that some people were late adopters primarily because they either didn't know how to use it, or were hesitant to get on social media. While the people who don't use social media at all I think don't use it because of perfectly warranted privacy concerns, or just don't like social media and seeing constant flow of pictures and media, and just like to lay low on the grid. Age does have a big play in this, as most adults stick to Facebook and Twitter as Facebook is an older platform that has been around longer, and many adults used it when it first came out, and twitter is more discussions and news. Overall I think that there is a lot of factors that go into why certain people do or don't use social media, it primarily has to do with age, values, and lifestyle, and people use certain social media accordingly or don't use it at all. This article below actually gives an interesting perspective to what type of social media users their are out there, and categorizes it into certain groups. For the most part I think it is accurate, and is interesting to see.

Social Media Use 2018: Demographics and Statistics | Pew Research Center

The rise of social media - Our World in Data

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