Friday, February 19, 2021

The Founding Era, The Supreme Court

    The U.S. constitution established the Supreme Court, which is the head of the judicial branch in the three branches of government and is the highest  federal court in the country. The Supreme courts job is to uphold the constitution. There have been cases throughout history labeled as landmark supers court cases which are cases that set a very big or important precedent according to the constitution. The first court case reviewed by the Supreme Court was West V. Barnes case. The Supreme Court is nominated by the President of the United States and their terms are for life. Among the Supreme court, there is a Chief Justice who is responsible for setting the meetings and is the kind of head of the Supreme Court. One of the first landmark Supreme Court cases was Marbury vs. Madison. This case set a precedent for Judicial review which is the power of them court to review all acts of the government and deem them constitutional or not. There were also multiple Civil rights cases like Brown v. Board of education that set precedents of desegregation and other laws that are very important to out country history and equality of American citizens. It is so important for our federal government and our democracy that we have the Supreme Court because there job of upholding the constitution is essential to our democracy, and is important to keep our government in check. I think that all of the landmark and important cases that have happened throughout history are very important and essential, and that those precedents set are what keeps our democracy and country in check.

Here are some of the landmark Supreme Court cases throughout history:
Image result for the landmark supreme court cases

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