Wednesday, February 10, 2021

History of movies

The first motion-picture film showing consecutive action was called “Roundhay Garden Scene”. Made in 1888, this film was only 2.11 seconds long but is considered the “first” movie made. The movie was produced and directed by Louis Le Prince.

Now although that was considered the first film, the first full length feature film was “The Story of the Kelly Gang”, which only ran for about 60-70 minutes, but was huge for the time, and set more of a template of time that later movies in the future would follow. (

One film made in 1939, and is still widely considered one of the, if not the most influential movies of all time is “Gone With The Wind” which for the time, was by far the most expensive and longest film ever made, that changed the way people saw and thought about movies in color.  (

  The 70s and 80s were big decades for movies that have shaped films we see today. For example, Jaws, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1975, paved the way for “summer         blockbusters” which throughout the years end up being the biggest and most profitable films of all time. Other movies created and paved the way for their genre, and subgenres. For Example, John Carpenter’s Halloween paved the way for horror movies, and set up a sub-genre of horror, Slashers, as well as just movies in general. With This movie, John Carpenter set a precedent for simplicity and shot framing that directors and critics still use and admire today. 

    Many movies in modern day have become so called “period pieces” and influential for tackling issues and topics going on in society. Many films that go and try to take on these topics are called “coming of age films”. Movies of recent history that have received much appraisal for their work in this field are “Moonlight” and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

    Many types of movies such as “The Room”, “The Lighthouse”, and even “Napolean                  Dynamite” have divide audineces and caused lots of dispute and talk among viewers, and     eespecially in the movie industry ( Movies today seem to get more and more polarizing and divisive as more modern issues like politics and race get brought to the forefront in some films. 

    Many films today are used as more than just pure entertainment but rather aim to send a message. Most films are becoming increasingly political as directors try to either voice their opinions or. a lot of times make movies surrounding issues and topics relevant in society today. it is interesting to see how the movie industry has turned to much more of a platform to voice opinions. However, this trend of movies becoming more and more prevalent with stronger opinions, naturally results in them becoming more controversial and polarizing. However, a lot of times you see movies of the same caliber get viewed drastically differently. While a movie like "Get Out" which is a very good movie can get viewed as a masterpiece while other movies of similar caliber can gets swepped under the rug. Directors and film makers are getting more clever and are getting very good at dropping subtle yet powerful messages in movies, although some overtly political movies that are not smart or overtly political such as "Black Christmas" (2019) do not get praised as they shouldn't.

    Overall many movies throughout history have had a huge impact on society today as well as on the film industry and its crazy to see how they have evolved ever since the first film in 1888.


Below are considered

some of the greatest and most influential movies of all time:

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