Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Internet

     The first prototype of the internet was made in the late 1960s and was originally called ARPANET. this was a project developed and created by the department of defense. There are a lot of things that we take for granted today that we owe to the internet. For example, without the internet we wouldn't have GPS, we would have any mobile cellular devices, and paper would be the primary and a very common thing used in the workplace. The internet has also provided a gateway to many huge things in society today, like google, and social media which at this point have pretty much taken over and are the focal point of our society. It has allowed people from everywhere to have easy access to almost any piece of information within just a couple of seconds/minutes. The internet has also pretty much made paper irrelevant, it is still used a lot today in society, but the impact and need for paper is no long present due to the birth of the internet. The biggest companies in the world are as a result from the internet. Jeff Besos who goes back and forth as the richest man in the world made his money by the creation of amazon, which is online shopping. Going off of that, online shopping has become an enormous part of our society and daily life, and has made it so going to the actual store is no longer needed, but. rather you can browse many options, order online, and have it delivered right to your door. Overall, the internet is responsible for how our life and society is today, and the impact will continue to grow as it is constantly evolving.


The Growth of the Internet of Things — Cool Infographics

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