Saturday, February 20, 2021

Black Lives matter and the clauses and freedoms of the first amendment

 One popular thing that has been happening with regard to Black Lives Matter is professional athletes protesting the national anthem bye taking a kneel during the playing of the national anthem. This trend initially started soon after the George Floyd killing during the NBA playoffs, where most players decided to kneel, as well as wear shirts and were allowed messages on the back of the jerseys that a certain meaning or message about Black Lives Matter. many of the popular messages included, "Black Lives Matter", "Say her name" referring to Brianna Taylor", and "equality", and "Justice". This was a form of peaceful protest which is one of the clauses in the first amendment. The point guard for the Portland Trailblazers, Damian Lillard, spoke on this and said that he didn't want to just say things and just use his platform for protest, but rather wanted to be involved in the protesting. This form of protest was better than the riots and looting that were also committed by advocates for Black Lives Matter. There were a lot of damages and rioting caused by many advocates for BLM who were "protesting", but not in the right way. The First Amendment does not protect violent protesting and looting, and so when they committed these crimes, they were in the wrong and did not have the right to commit the acts of violence and damage that they did. 

Via Google News:

Image result for nba players protest

Image result for violent protests by blm

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