Friday, March 5, 2021

The Facebook Dilemma

     The Facebook dilemma all started with a student at Harvard University, Mark Zuckerburg, who wanted to. start a website where people on campus could "rate" girls on campus, but it ended up turning into so much more. Facebook was all about connecting people, it was about people being able to share their life and give people the opportunity to react and network with eachother. Mark Zuckerburgs philosophy was more about, "it was more important to get things done rather than doing things necessarily right like dotting eyes and crossing the Ts". However, this philosophy would ultimately get him in trouble. The full effect of Facebook was seen in full force when political activist used the website to get the people of egypt to start a revolution, and ultimately get their president to resign. This was a sort of breakthrough, and everyone including Mark Zuckerburg could not see the power and influence that Facebook had. This was what Mark had wanted as his goal was for world wide expansion, and at this point, this is what was happening with the site. The original approach to Facebook was more of a Libertarian style, where basically anyone could post anything, and the users of the website would police the site. However, as Facebook grew more and more, and as Mark Zuckerburg was becoming more and more focused on "growth and expansion", that is where things took a turn. Facebook was not clear to users of how they would be using their data, and would sneak privacy things into their terms that would go unnoticed. Facebook became a sort of violation of privacy as they began data mining, and using people's personal information and data for all sorts of purposes such as, personalized ads, and selling information, and sneaky things like that. This would ultimately get Mark Zuckerburg in trouble, when he had to go on trial for data mining. Facebook however, and many other online platforms, and social media outlets would still use peoples private information, and violate people's privacy by adding things into their terms, and just using their data. Overall, it is scary of how much personal information is used by Facebook, and many other online platforms, and it is important to monitor your online presence, and use discernment while on the internet.

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